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CriniDent celebrated its 24th anniversary!
Dr. Cristiana Nicolae, founder
Being a dentist requires determination, enthusiasm and patience. Based on these principles, my husband and I founded the CriniDent dental clinic in Craiova. The CriniDent dental clinic is a place where we want you, our patients, to come every time with confidence and a smile on your lips, because... your smile matters.

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Dental implants Craiova: The implantology service is performed by both the classic method and the modern Fast & Fixed procedure ...

Orthodontics Craiova
Braces Craiova In case of crowded teeth that prove difficult to clean, an orthodontic treatment is recommended, which ...

Dental prosthetics Craiova
Prosthetic works Craiova: CriniDent dental clinic in Craiova has built a very good collaboration with the dental laboratories ...
Patient reviews
When you go in with an open heart, what you fill will be a success. I also stepped into my second home, CriniDent. What did I find? A smiling, professional team. How did I leave? So thrilled, that my boy and I, we would, at any time, leave ourselves in their hands. Thanks to the team, especially the doctor Cristiana Nicolae, for my smile!

CriniDent you are part of my life and you will remain so. Thank you for literally putting a smile back on my face. May you have a new year as full of accomplishments as ever.

The dental work I had 15 years ago is still intact today. The seriousness and commitment encountered in this office entitle me to recommend with the utmost confidence! Thank you, Dr. Cristiana Nicolae!

Excellent! Congratulations! I have no words! It's a clinic where you can go with full confidence, all the doctors are professional, with great talents, they truly love their job, love and care for their patients. I went to this dental clinic and was treated exceptionally! A thousand thanks! Good luck!

Your smile matters!
To be able to provide the best treatment for our patients, we are constantly investing in state-of-the-art dental technology. Since 2018, we have continuously acquired new, super high-performance equipment: state-of-the-art lasers, top dental chairs, intra-oral scanners, electronic microscope, A-PRF membrane centrifuge, autoclaves, etc.
We continuously invest in the training of dentists, nurses and administrative staff.
Dental blog

Totul despre implantul dentar la clinica CriniDent – Cea mai bună opțiune pentru dinți lipsă
Implantul dentar reprezintă una dintre cele mai moderne și eficiente soluții pentru înlocuirea dinților lipsă, oferind pacienților atât funcționalitate optimă,…

Cât durează tratamentul ortodontic cu alignere? Totul despre gutiere dentare la CriniDent
Un zâmbet frumos și sănătos nu este doar o carte de vizită, ci și un factor esențial pentru stima de…

Proceduri realizate cu Laserul Epic X asupra țesuturilor moi la clinica CriniDent
În domeniul stomatologiei moderne, tehnologiile avansate reprezintă un rol esențial în îmbunătățirea calității tratamentelor și confortului pacienților. Un exemplu de…